The Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital proudly recognizes the following estate and trust distributions for 2014.
Mrs. Judy C. Alexander-Weber
Ballmann Family Private Foundation
Bernard Charitable Trust
Richard and Helen Bibbero Trust
Ms. Helen Biederman
Clara Bigham Foundation
Mr. Jerold L. Bray
Mr. Melvin DeHovitz
Ruth Greenberg Memorial Trust
Mrs. Leslye M. Heisler
Ms. Virginia Lanphar
Ms. Carol L. Littmann
Mrs. Fern O. Nie
Leone T. and Harry H. O’Neill
Mr. Cecil C. Orear Jr.
Mr. David Riebel
John O. Schumacher Trust
Mr. Allen Selzer
Irving and Ethel Selzer
Sidney W. Souers Charitable Trust
Mrs. Dorothy L. Ullery
Mrs. Thelma Weinberg