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A woman is fertile only during part of her monthly cycle. That part is the time just before an egg leaves the ovaries and while the egg is alive. You should learn when this time is. Then you can find out when you’re likely to be fertile. This tool gives times for women who have regular periods. Regular periods mean having a period every 21 to 35 days. Temperature tracking and test kits can also be used to help find out when a woman’s fertile time is. These are very useful if a woman has periods that are not regular. The date you enter in the tool may give a date that has already passed. This will happen if you are nearing the start of your next period.
This tool cannot be used as an aid to keep from getting pregnant. This tool is for education only. It is not meant to replace the care of a healthcare provider. Always talk with your healthcare provider for advice about your health.
Your next date is thought to be .
During ovulation, the egg leaves the ovary and travels down the fallopian tube. You are most fertile on the day the egg leaves the ovary and the four or five days just before. You should have sex once a day during this time if you want to boost your chances of having a baby. Sperm can live for a few days and the egg can live about a day.