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New Book Helps Children of Breast Cancer Patients

Originally published Mar 2005

For three years, the Siteman Cancer Center has offered a unique awareness program for children of breast cancer patients. Now, a new book is available for that same group of children to help them understand and cope with cancer in the family.

"finding MY way" is an illustrated journal developed for participants in Siteman''s HUGS program. HUGS (an acronym for "Help Us Give Support") helps children between the ages of five and twelve understand cancer and better cope with their family''s experience by expressing their feelings.

The book contains activities to help children express their thoughts, concerns and emotions. Exercises help children tell the story of their loved one''s cancer and how it has affected them.

Written by St. Louis Children''s Hospital clinical psychologist Susan Sylvia, PhD, the book''s intent is not only to educate, but to be engaging and fun for kids.

"Cancer in the family presents complicated issues, so we didn''t want a book that would seem silly to these kids" says Teresa Deshields, PhD, manager of psych-oncology services at the Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine and clinical coordinator of HUGS.

"We ''road-tested'' this book with children in order to be sure that it''s not just something you will want them to read, but it''s something they will want to read as well," says Dr. Deshields.

Both the book and HUGS are made possible by a grant from the St. Louis Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and is a cooperative effort of the Siteman Cancer Center, Komen, Cardinals Care, Hardees and the St. Louis Public Library.

Facilitators are Siteman Cancer Center health professionals. They help children express themselves through artwork and fun group activities. The group currently meets twice per month.

The book sells for $5.25, but is free for families undergoing breast cancer treatment at the Siteman Cancer Center and is also available to those unable to attend the HUGS program. For more information, about the HUGS program or to order a copy of "finding MY way," call Siteman''s Barnard Health and Cancer Information Center at 314-362-7844.

The Alvin J. Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine is an international leader in patient care, cancer research, prevention, education and community outreach and is the only National Cancer Institute-designated Cancer Center within 250 miles of St. Louis.

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