Please note that we are seeing high patient volumes in the emergency department. Learn more >>.

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For Physicians

When you want or need support in patient care, connect with the Washington University physicians at Barnes-Jewish Hospital. Whether for a consult or an admission, Barnes-Jewish Hospital physicians are your partners in care, supporting your patient treatment and maintaining timely communication about your patient's status. The result is optimum team care and increased satisfaction for your patients.

To connect with Washington University specialists at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and other valuable services, simply call 866-TOP-DOCS.

One Call, Many Resources
Top Docs can help you navigate:

  • Direct Admissions - You'll be connected to a specialist physician within minutes so your patients can be directly admitted for faster, streamlined care.
  • Quick Consultations - You'll receive prompt assistance in identifying an appropriate specialist or in speaking to a specific physician, whether you have questions or want to make a referral. You'll also get accurate, timely information on your patients' care.
  • Timely Appointments - Your call to arrange an outpatient appointment results in more efficient care and satisfied patients.
  • Long-Distance Ambulance Service - At your request, Barnes-Jewish Hospital can transport your referred patients to us from our rural community hospital partners. This service allows the local ambulance service to stay in the community for other emergencies while offering the patient expert, monitored care during transport.

For Direct Patient Transfers

If you need to transfer a patient to Barnes-Jewish Hospital please call the BJC Transfer Center at 800-252-DOCS. Our trained specialists will help you find the best care for your patient.

Find a doctor or make an appointment: 866-867-3627
General Information: 314-747-3000
One Barnes-Jewish Plaza
St. Louis, MO 63110
© Copyright 1997-2025, Barnes-Jewish Hospital. All Rights Reserved.