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Arts + Healthcare

An Integral Part of Hope and Healing

The Arts + Healthcare program reaches thousands of patients, their caregivers and family members, and hospital staff. The program helps them find strength and renewal in the midst of stress, and sometimes sorrow, through enjoying or creating music, poetry or visual art. The mission of Arts + Healthcare, supported by gifts to The Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital, is to embed the arts as an integral part of hope and healing.

Arts + Healthcare supports patients, caregivers and hospital employees like:

  • The patient who finds that knitting a hat makes chemotherapy more bearable.

  • The patient who, when painting, thinks of herself as an artist instead of a patient.

  • The staff member who is rejuvenated in an arts grief workshop.

Arts + Healthcare Program Offerings Supported by Gifts to The Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital include:

  • Live music performances in the Center for Advanced Medicine first floor lobby (schedule of musicians to be posted soon).

  • A gallery in the hospital showcasing exhibitions of art by Barnes-Jewish community members and professional artwork on many floors.

  • An “art room” that offers ongoing art projects including drawing, painting, journaling, clay modeling and knitting.

  • Art therapy activities for patients.

  • Renewal workshops for staff, which offer creative experiences as respite to the caregiver.

If you are a musician and interested in volunteering your time to perform at Barnes-Jewish, please contact Arts + Healthcare Coordinator, Sarah Colby at [email protected].

If you would like to make a charitable gift to support Arts + Healthcare, please visit our online giving form.

If you have any other questions or comments, please send them to [email protected].

General Information: 314-286-0600
One Barnes-Jewish Plaza
St. Louis, MO 63110
© Copyright 1997-2025, Barnes-Jewish Hospital. All Rights Reserved.