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Do Diet Sodas Make You Fat?

Originally published Jan 2006

Q: My husband drinks Diet Coke all day (anywhere from three to six cans every day), and I have heard that that''s not healthy. I have also heard that diet drinks could make you hold the fat around the belly. He is trying to get his waist size down, and I''m wondering if this could be hindering his attempt.

- J.D, Belleville

A: Diet soda sometimes gets a bad rap, but it''s not all bad, at least not in moderation.

"Diet drinks don''t retain fat around the belly," says Natalie Allen, a dietitian at Barnes-Jewish Hospital.

Diet drinks definitely have their place if you are trying to follow a low-calorie diet.

"The bottom line is, if you are trying to lose weight, calories in need to be less than calories out, and if someone drinks a lot of their calories, then replacing calorie-filled drinks with diet drinks is a good option."

However, three to six a day is quite a bit. Your husband may be drinking diet soda when he should be drinking plenty of water and low-fat dairy products.

"Limiting diet soda to one or two a day is perfectly fine, as long as the rest of his diet is adequate," Allen says. As for losing that belly fat, Allen recommends watching the calories and talking to his doctor about starting an exercise plan. But don''t give up those extra sodas too quickly.

"Sometimes drinking a sugar-free drink can satisfy a craving for something sweet," Allen said. "They drink a soda and maybe don''t want that dessert after dinner. In that case, it can be very helpful. It''s all about moderation."

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