Barnes-Jewish Hospital | Washington University Physicians

Breast Surgeon Urges Yearly Mammograms

Debate in the medical community about the value of yearly mammograms raises a big question for women. Should I get a mammogram once year? October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and to Jill Dietz, MD, breast surgeon at Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine, the answer is "Yes." Read More

Brachytherapy Treatment Allows for Quicker Radiation Therapy

As stressful as a breast cancer diagnosis can be, one of the more difficult aspects is the radiation therapy that typically wraps up treatment. Read More

Barnes-Jewish Hospital Offers Breast Cancer Journal

A breast cancer diagnosis is shocking at any age, but for young women the unexpected news raises many questions. Can I have children? How will I raise my baby? How will I deal with intimacy? Read More

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