Barnes-Jewish Hospital | Washington University Physicians

Gifts to Support the Underinsured Needed Now More than Ever

In 2010, the need for social services that help underinsured Barnes-Jewish Hospital patients focus on healing instead of worrying about the financial burdens of a hospital stay has increased significantly.

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Your Gifts Support Research for a Melanoma Vaccine

Melanoma is one of a few cancers that have been shown to stimulate a low level immune response toward the tumor in many people. Some gifts donated to the Melanoma Research and Patient Care Fund of the Barnes-Jewish Hospital Foundation are supporting a study to create a melanoma vaccine that increases the immune response and promotes regression of the disease.

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A Big Brother Honored

He was an accomplished horse trainer, casual pianist, and professional hair designer. But those who were dearest to David Marion would say the best way to describe him is “big brother.”

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Planet Sub Donates 10% of Profits to Cancer Research

Planet Sub (7 N. Euclid) donated 10% of May 2010 proceeds, which equalled $1,500, to the Barnes-Jewish Hospital Foundation's Cancer Frontier Fund. Read More

Board Member, Kenneth Suelthaus, Appointed to Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission

Gov. Jay Nixon appoints Barnes-Jewish Hospital Foundation Board Member Kenneth Suelthaus of St. Louis to Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission June 3, 2010.

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