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LGBTQ+ Health Care

At Barnes-Jewish Hospital, we are committed to providing equitable health care for our LGBTQ+ patients and their families. To ensure an affirming, inclusive and patient-centered experience, our hospital offers on-going LGBTQ+ patient care and cultural competency training to staff, and is committed to living up to our mission of providing exceptional care to all people. This commitment is also backed by our patient rights and responsibilities, which states our support for patients’ rights to care and visitation without discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. Due to our efforts, we are proud to be recognized as a “Leader in LGBTQ Healthcare Equality” for receiving a score of 100 on the Human Rights Campaign’s (HRC) Healthcare Equality Index.

Human Rights Campaign LGBTQ Healthcare Equality Index Leader badge

LGBTQ+ Health Disparities & Common Health Issues

LGBTQ+ people experience many of the same diseases and conditions that are prevalent in the broader society, however many of these diseases and conditions affect the LGBTQ+ disproportionately. Lack of inclusive, affirming or informed health care, and minority stressors contributes to many of these health disparities:

  • less likely to have health insurance
  • higher rates of sexual transmitted diseases (STDs) including HIV/AIDs
  • lower rates of mammography and Pap smear screenings (methods of preventative care for cancer)
  • higher rates of tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use (contributes to heart disease)
  • higher rates of unhealthy weight control/perception
  • higher rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide
  • higher rates of violence victimization

LGBTQ+ Health Care Services

In order to receive the best care, it is important to always let your health provider know that you identify as LGBTQ+; we strive to provide a judgment-free setting with compassionate care takers so you feel comfortable doing so. We encourage bringing a support person to your appointments and starting your appointment by letting your care team know your preferred pronouns, terms, and any concerns or worries. 

  • OB/GYN care
  • Fertility and Reproductive Care for fertility preservation or for starting a family
  • HIV testing, specialty care and prevention services
  • Surgery and hormone therapy care for transgender patients
  • Psychiatric care or mental healthcare access
  • Comprehensive preventive care 

Clinical and Support Local Resources

Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children's Hospital 
Education, medical assistance and mental-health counseling to children and adolescents who identify as a gender different from the sex they were assigned at birth. 

Fertility and Reproductive Medicine Center
A welcoming and supportive environment for LGBTQ individuals or couples who are looking for fertility preservation options or for those wanting to start a family. 

Differences of Sex Development Clinic at St. Louis Children's Hospital
Multidisciplinary clinic that provides health care for patients with differences of sex development

PrEP (Pre-exposure prophylaxis) through Washington University Infectious Disease Clinic
Offering care for persons who are interested in taking PrEP to prevent HIV infection.

HIV Care at Washington University
Specialty care for patients who have been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS

HIV Testing at Washington University 
Offering rapid free and confidential HIV testing so you can confidently say “you know”

Planned Parenthood
Provides reproductive healthcare in a non-judgmental setting, offering information on sexual orientation and gender and sexually transmitted diseases

St. Louis Effort for AIDS
Provides education on the prevention of HIV/AIDS and comprehensive support services for those affected by the disease.

Growing American Youth
Support for youth, 21 years old and younger, who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, asexual or questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity

Pride Center of St. Louis 
A center run by Pride St. Louis is registered as a Safe Place for LGBTQIA+ people

PFLAG St. Louis
A grassroots network that builds on a foundation of loving families united with LGBTQ people and allies who support one another with education 

A support group for transgendered children age 5-12 and their parents

Metro Trans Umbrella Group (MTUG)
Advocacy group for the transgender community that seeks to build support and link individuals with resources including therapy, medical professionals, support groups and legal help.

Missouri’s statewide organization advocating for LGBTQ equality through legislative action, electoral politics, grassroots organizing, and community education.

An interfaith non-profit providing housing and related support services to people affected by HIV/AIDS.

A community-based organization that works to raise awareness, understanding and acceptance of LGBTQ individuals within St. Louis by hosting meetings, workshops and events. 

Rustin’s Place
Provides preventive health education, disease prevention, health promotion and care services that address the health disparities of minorities in the St. Louis Bi-State Region.

Youth In Need
Provides residential homes, foster care case management, homeless outreach, counseling, education, and infant, child and family development to children, teens and families within Missouri.

Guardian Project
A social discussion group for gay and bi-men ages 18 to 29 to keep minds and bodies healthy and foster safe sex lives. 

Clinical and Support National Resources

The Trevor Project
The nation’s only 24/7 crisis intervention and suicide prevention lifeline for LGBTQ people ages 13-24.

UCSF Center of Excellence for Transgender Health
A center dedicated to improving the overall health and well-being of transgender individuals by developing and implementing programs in response to community-identified needs.

National LGBT Cancer Project
The first national LGBT cancer survivor support and advocacy nonprofit organization in the United States. They provide cancer-related programs, services and research focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people and other sexuality and gender diverse people and communities.

National LGBT Tobacco Control Network
Works to help eliminate tobacco health disparities for all LGBTQs by offering strategies to individuals and supports many local tobacco control advocates. 

HRC Health and Aging
Provides important steps to protect yourself and your family in healthcare settings.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recognizes the need to consider the unique perspectives and needs to LGBT people when assessing public health efforts. They provide information and resources on some of the health issues and inequities affecting LGBTQ communities.

Healthy People 2030 LGBT Health
Provides science-based national objectives for improving the health of all Americans, including LGBTQ.

Human Rights Campaign
This LGBT advocacy group based in Washington, D.C., issues an annual report on leaders in LGBTQ health care delivery, and offers resources to help meet their criteria. There is a local St. Louis chapter.

World Professional Association for Transgender Health
Formerly the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, in Minneapolis, WPATH promotes evidence-based care, education, research, advocacy, public policy, and respect in transgender health.

The Mazzoni Center
Opened in 1979 to serve the LGBT community, it is one of the first AIDS-service organizations in the United States.

Find a doctor or make an appointment: 866-867-3627
General Information: 314-747-3000
One Barnes-Jewish Plaza
St. Louis, MO 63110
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