Our Shared Governance and Professional Practice Model
Barnes-Jewish recognizes the importance of involving nurses in decisions that impact their practice and the patient care environment. Through a variety of unit-based and hospital-wide interdisciplinary teams, nurses can partner with leadership in making decisions about the practice environment and professional development.
Through participation in these councils, staff gain confidence and develop competence to work in teams to achieve better patient outcomes.
This shared decision-making, or shared governance is an essential element in our Professional Practice Model.
The Chief Nurse Executive Advisory Council provides Barnes-Jewish’s leadership team with time-critical feedback on key process or policy changes prior to their implementation. The CNE Council also is a way for frontline staff to express concerns to leadership that they feel are impacting operations.
Other councils include:
- Clinical Practice Council
- Unit Practice Committees
- Share Governance Support Council
- Nursing Leadership Action Council
- Education Council
- Advanced Practice Nurse Council
- Research Council
- Ancillary Nurse Council
Barnes Jewish Hospital - Professional Practice Model
Barnes-Jewish’s Professional Practice Model provides a framework for how we practice, collaborate, communicate and develop professionally to provide exceptional care to people. Staff nurses identified the elements represented by the rays of the model that are essential for creating and maintaining professional practice and the delivery of quality care.