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Endowed Chairs Spark Future Medical Breakthroughs

The Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital supports more than 30 endowed chairs and deanships thanks to donor gifts.

Endowed chairs through The Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital give Washington University School of Medicine faculty members at Barnes-Jewish important support, which allows them more time to conduct breakthrough research and treat patients rather than spend time writing grants. The funding enables a physician to advance ideas and make discoveries that lead to better treatments and new technology to benefit all of us—both now and in the future.

“An endowed chair is an investment in hope and innovation that will help us remain one of America’s best hospitals,” says Susan Ell, executive director and vice president of the Foundation.

“We’re so grateful to our generous donors over the years who have had the vision to support these chairs for generations to come.”

Donors create endowed chairs for a variety of reasons—they may want to honor a particular physician or contribute funds to a specific cause. An endowed chair exists in perpetuity. Long after the donor is gone, the chair holder and the hospital are still benefiting from the gift.

Thank you to our donors who have made these endowed chairs possible!

Endowed chairs named in 2015 through the Foundation include:

Sam Bhayani, MD, MS
Holekamp Family Endowed Chair in Urology

Steven L. Brody, MD
Dorothy R. and Hubert C. Moog Chair in Pulmonary Medicine

Joan L. Luby, MD
Samuel and Mae S. Ludwig Endowed Chair in Psychiatry

Marc R. Moon, MD
John M. Shoenberg Chair in Cardiovascular Disease

Evan Sadler, MD, PhD
The Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital’s Ira M. Lang Endowed Chair

To learn more about supporting or creating an endowed chair, please contact Susan Ell at 314.286.0580 or email [email protected].

General Information: 314-286-0600
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