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Pedal the Cause Speeds Cancer Research

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Thanks to 2,600 riders, plus generous donors and dedicated volunteers, the fifth annual Pedal the Cause fundraising cycling event in St. Louis raised $2.8 million for cancer research. Every dollar raised supports groundbreaking research at the Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine and St. Louis Children’s Hospital.

To date, Pedal the Cause has supported 30 cancer research projects at Siteman through the Cancer Frontier Fund, an initiative of The Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital, focused on speeding cancer research breakthroughs. These projects include research on a breast cancer prevention vaccine, a personalized vaccine to fight melanoma, new ways to treat leukemia, and more.

Pedal the Cause participants banded together on teams to raise a significant amount for cancer research:

  • The top Friends and Family Team was Powered By Hope, a team led by colon cancer survivor Teri Griege, who was treated at Siteman. Her 184-member team raised more than $150,000 for cancer research.

  • Bartlett’s Bikers, a team led by Nancy Bartlett, MD, a Siteman medical oncologist, was the second highest fundraising team, and raised nearly $90,000.

  • With 166 team members, Team Edward Jones raised more than $350,000.

The total amount raised this year was announced Nov. 20 at a special event at Ballpark Village in St. Louis. Next year’s Pedal the Cause will be held Sept. 26-27.

General Information: 314-286-0600
One Barnes-Jewish Plaza
St. Louis, MO 63110
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