Even though you have months to prepare for your baby’s birth, you may feel like you’ll never be ready. At the Women & Infants Center, we understand how exciting and unnerving the idea of having a baby and bringing that baby home can be.

Experienced, Compassionate Support for Labor and Delivery
Our pregnancy and childbirth team offers expert advice, support and classes to help you feel prepared for giving birth and caring for your newborn. Knowing what to expect can calm your nerves and relieve your fears. We offer:
Classes and facility tours
Our experienced labor and delivery nurses offer a variety of classes for you and your partner. Topics include how to prepare for childbirth, caring for your baby, breastfeeding and introducing an older child to a new sibling. We also offer free tours of the Women & Infants Center. Learn more about and register for our classes and facility tours.
Signs of labor: What to expect
Learn about the changes you’ll notice as your body prepares for labor. We will discuss when to come into the hospital and when to contact your doctor right away. Find out what to expect when you go into labor and get to the hospital to start your exciting journey.
Birthing suites
Knowing where you’re going to give birth can help you feel calm on the big day. Learn about the birthing suites in our advanced facility with amenities such as spacious private rooms and labor tubs.
Contact Us
To make an appointment with a Washington University obstetrician at the Women & Infants Center, call 855.925.0631.