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Palliative Care Information for Professionals

Barnes-Jewish Hospital’s Palliative Care Service is an interdisciplinary hospital-based palliative care program that addresses clinical care, education and research.

Health-care professionals may refer Barnes-Jewish Hospital inpatients to the Palliative Care Service by calling 314.747.4462. Most insurance including Medicare and Medicaid will cover the service when provided in the hospital. Outpatients must be referred. Providers can submit a referral through EPIC or emailed to [email protected].

The Palliative Care Service also offers educational opportunities for students of medicine, nursing, social work and other health-care professionals to gain hands-on clinical palliative care experience. The team organizes formal didactic sessions and conferences on palliative care and ethical issues.

Additional Online Resources

  • American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine is the only organization in the United States for physicians dedicated to the advancement of hospice/palliative medicine, its practice, research and education.
  • Center to Advance Palliative Care provides health care professionals with the tools, training, and technical assistance necessary to start and sustain successful palliative care programs in hospitals and other health care settings.
  • End of Life/Palliative Education Resource Center is an online site with peer-reviewed educational resources, including materials on communication and end-of-life decision making.
  • Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association is the nation's largest and oldest professional nursing organization dedicated to promoting excellence in pain management and end-of-life care.
  • Missouri Pain Initiative is a statewide organization whose mission it is to enhance quality of life through improvement in the quality of care provided to persons in pain.
  • National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization is the largest nonprofit membership organization representing hospice and palliative care programs and professionals in the United States.
Find a doctor or make an appointment: 866-867-3627
General Information: 314-747-3000
One Barnes-Jewish Plaza
St. Louis, MO 63110
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