Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) occurs when identical twins who share a placenta and blood vessels have unequal blood flow. As a result, one unborn baby (the donor) does not get enough blood while the other unborn baby (the recipient) gets too much blood.
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The Fetal Care Center uses the latest tools to diagnose, monitor and treat health problems during pregnancy. Thanks to our team’s extensive training and experience, we are able to confirm and diagnose many fetal conditions and additional complications that can often be misdiagnosed or go overlooked until later in pregnancy, like twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. What we learn from our testing and monitoring allows us to provide the best care for you and your babies.
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Left untreated, TTTS can be fatal for one or both babies while in the womb. One treatment the Fetal Care Center offers is fetoscopic laser photocoagulation, a minimally invasive surgical procedure that uses a small camera to locate the abnormal blood vessel connections in the placenta causing the unequal blood flow and disconnect them using a laser.
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