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Healthbeat: Prominent St. Louis Car Dealer Urges Men To Undergo Prostate Screening

  • October 13, 2006
  • Number of views: 3243

By Kay Quinn, KSDK-TV, October 13, 2006

One in six American men will develop prostate cancer in the course of his lifetime. And while it''s easily detected and treated, it''s a topic and test many men still avoid.

Now, a well-known St. Louisan is urging all men to get screened.

If the name Dave Sinclair sounds familiar, it''s because you''re used to seeing him on TV ads for his five car dealerships, some of which air on NewsChannel 5.

Sinclair, 78, still loves working the lot. These days, he''s also spreading the word about a topic many men don''t like to talk about: prostate cancer.

"I had two of my guys die with prostate cancer, two retired Ford guys," says Sinclair.

Then, three years ago, doctors told Sinclair he had prostate cancer.

"I thought when I heard the dreaded word I''d shrivel up inside but I didn''t."

Sinclair went on to have radiation treatments.

He credits annual blood screening tests, called PSA (prostate specific antigen) tests, that''s he''s gotten since he was 60 for saving his life.

"Every man should get his PSA every year, and he should start when he''s 50 years old unless he has a family history and then he should start when he''s 40," says Dr. Gerald Andriole, chief of urology at Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine.

In the past, doctors would recommend a prostate biopsy for men with a high level of PSA in the blood. But today, any steady rise in PSA is considered cause for a biopsy.

Sinclair regularly talks to friends and family about the importance of screening tests like PSA and colonoscopies. He realizes his advice may still make some men uncomfortable. But he hopes his tough talk will also have an impact.

"If you don''t take these tests you''re stupid. And life is tough but it''s tougher if you''re stupid," says Sinclair.

Three free PSA screenings are being offered to the public over the next five weeks at three of Sinclair''s car dealerships.

The screenings will run from 5 until 8 p.m. at the following locations:

October 17
Sinclair Lincoln Mercury
4760 North Service Rd.
St. Peters, Mo. 63376

November 7
Sinclair Lincoln Mercury West
15677 Manchester Rd.
Ellisville, Mo. 63011

November 14
Sinclair Buick GMC
5655 S. Lindbergh Blvd.
St. Louis, Mo. 63123

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