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The Barnes-Jewish Hospital Center for Practice Excellence is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Missouri Nurses’ Association, an accredited approver of the American Nurses’ Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Washington University is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians and designates CME educational activity on an hour-per-hour basis in Category 1 credit toward the American Medical Association Physician’s Recognition Award. 

Conference: Compassionate Innovation in Fetal, Obstetric and Newborn Care
February 28, 2013
Goldfarb School of Nursing at Barnes-Jewish College
Call 314-TOP-DOCS for information

In the highly specialized and ever-evolving fields of perinatal and neonatal care, it is essential for health care professionals to maintain current knowledge of best practice. The conference’s presenting faculty and staff, active in research and perinatal and neonatal care, will cover topics in related medical, technological and practice advances.


AWHONN Fetal Heart Monitoring Courses
Register online at

Neonatal Resuscitation Program
Register online at



Provider and Nursing Electronic Fetal Monitoring Course and Competency Verification
Request a needs assessment for an onsite, interdisciplinary, 90-minute EFM course taught by a Washington University maternal-fetal medicine expert and a Barnes-Jewish Hospital nurse educator.
Email [email protected]
Call Women and Infants Outreach Coordinator Jessica Garrett, BSN, RN, 314-362-7188

AWHONN Intermediate Fetal Heart Monitoring
Email [email protected]
Call Women and Infants Outreach Coordinator Jessica Garrett, BSN,RN, 314-362-7188
Request a needs assessment for an on-site, two-day AWHONN Intermediate fetal heart monitoring course taught by Barnes-Jewish Hospital nurses. Continuing education credits are available through AWHONN.

Neonatal Resuscitation Program
Call 314-454-2834, St. Louis Children’s Hospital Emergency and Trauma Services Outreach 

Rapid Newborn Assessment
Call 314-454-2834, St. Louis Children’s Hospital Emergency and Trauma Services Outreach 

PALS Review/Update
Call 314-454-2834, St. Louis Children’s Hospital Emergency and Trauma Services Outreach 




For information about the following classes, including registration, call 314-TOP-DOCS. 

Childbirth Preparation
Saturdays, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Barnes-Jewish Hospital
$35 for two attendees
In this single-session overview, participants will learn about: • Labor and birth, including breathing and relaxation techniques, and medical and non-medical pain-control techniques • Cesarean childbirth • Postpartum The day will also include a birth video and the opportunity to tour the Women and Infants units. 

Saturdays, 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Barnes-Jewish Hospital
$30 per family
Breast-feeding is one of the most effective preventive health measures for infants and mothers. This single-session overview is designed to give new moms and supporting family members the best available information needed to initiate breast-feeding, including: • Proper latch and positioning • Establishing a good milk supply • Hand and pump expression • Breast milk storage • Returning to work 

Sibling Class
For class dates, call 314-TOP-DOCS
Barnes-Jewish Hospital
$15 per child; multi-child discount available
Helps prepare children ages 3 to 8 for the arrival of a new sister or brother. A parent or guardian must accompany the participant.

Local Share Support Group: Touching Lives, Healing Hearts, Giving Hope
First Wednesday of the month
7-8:30 p.m.
Barnes-Jewish Hospital
Call 314-362-1788 for information
A local branch of the national Share organization, this support group is designed to help families cope with fetal and infant loss. All are welcome; registration is not required. 




The St. Louis Neonatal Gut Microbiome Initiative
Barbara Warner, MD
Primary investigator
Sponsored by the Children’s Discovery Institute
This is a twin-birth cohort study aimed at testing the relative roles of host genotype versus early environmental exposures (mother, diet, etc.) on gut microbial ecology. The study will compare how similar the microbial community is for identical twins compared to non-identical twins in the first year of life. Recruitment will occur at the Center for Advanced Medicine, Labor and Delivery, at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Missouri Baptist Medical Center. The study aims to enroll 100 mothers and 25 monozygotic twin pregnancies over 34 weeks gestation. 

TUPAC: Treatment of Utility of Postpartum Antibiotics in Chorioamnionitis
Anthony Shanks, MD
Primary investigator
Multicenter trial with Washington University as the coordinating site
This is a randomized, controlled clinical trial to determine if prophylactic antibiotics are required post-cesarean delivery for pregnancies with treated chorioamnionitis. Women with treated chorioamnionitis undergoing cesarean delivery at Barnes-Jewish Hospital are eligible and are randomized on a 1:1 ratio to no postpartum antibiotics or postpartum antibiotics. The recruitment goal is 238 patients.


Find a doctor or make an appointment: 866-867-3627
General Information: 314-747-3000
One Barnes-Jewish Plaza
St. Louis, MO 63110
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