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The Residents and Fellows Diversity Initiative at Barnes-Jewish Hospital was established by the hospital’s Center for Diversity and Cultural Competence in 2006. Its goal is to encourage underrepresented minority medical students to seek their residency and fellowship training at Barnes-Jewish Hospital. The program aims to retain these physicians following training to serve in faculty positions at Washington University School of Medicine or to encourage them to establish their practice in St.Louis.

Tricia Moo-Young, MD

Resident,General Surgery
Age 31, Hometown:Chicago

Early influences:
My parents emphasized the importance of education. However, growing up in Chicago’s inner city, it wasn’t uncommon for schools to go on strike. When this happened my mom would set up desks in our basement and host classes for friends and neighbors.

First medical encounter: Outside of her job, my mom volunteered as a hospice nurse. I often went along and, at first, resented the strange places. But after time, I grew to cherish them, and my chosen profession is largely grounded in those interactions.

Selecting a specialty: Surgery is unique in that the outcome is proportional to the invested effort. Wanting an excellent outcome for your patient, you give that much of yourself to ensure it happens.

Diversity perspective: I was not raised to be particularly aware that I was different from my peers. This taught me to not accept or expect less of myself based on race.

St. Louis favorite: Forest Park. I love the outdoors.And while unpredictable, the weather can be great for running, golfing or just lying in the park with my dogs.

Melvin Blanchard, MD

Internal Medicine Specialist
Age 45, Hometown:Saint Kitts,The Caribbean

Early influences: The oldest of nine, I grew up in a large family. My parents wanted the best for us and constantly pointed out role models to emulate — lawyers and physicians. Curiosity, love of science and compassion for others led me to medicine.

First medical encounter: My sister was injured when she was 4 or 5 — we were certain she would die. But, by the miracle of medicine, she fully recovered.Thus my fascination began.

Selecting a specialty: Internal medicine was the essence of a real physician tome. One can develop a long-term relationship with patients by taking care of their medical needs, from disease prevention to investigating and treating complex issues.

Diversity perspective: When I was in training, there were minorities represented, although I was the only person in my class of African descent. For me, the focus was never on ethnicity but rather working together for the benefit of patients. This enabled me to overlook circumstances others may have perceived as challenges.

St. Louis favorite: Saturday afternoon nature walks with my family. We visit the parks and watch the sun set. It’s beautiful.
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