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Browse Issue 11's articles here:

Stop Cancer Before it Starts 

Cancer is a complex and too often devastating disease. Even with modern medicine’s latest techniques and most powerful tools for diagnosis and treatment, nothing compares to preventing it in the first place. The good news is that as many as half of all cancer cases are preventable.

I (heart) Weight Loss

It may not be easy or pleasant, but weight loss has more benefits than looking good in a swimsuit. Losing even a little weight can greatly improve heart and vascular health, boosting heart function, lowering blood pressure and improving metabolic measures. A research program at Washington University School of Medicine is dedicated to understanding the complex relationship between weight and heart health; its work shows that weight-loss benefits can last even if some of the weight returns, and that the effort can not only prevent but reverse significant health problems.


Also In this Issue

  • Breakthroughs: A look at two of the latest technological advances being used at Barnes-Jewish Hospital, including 3-D breast screenings, patient safety technology and minimally invasive 3-D surgery.
  • Side by Side - Community and Beyond: In addition to his role as Barnes-Jewish Hospital’s chief resident at the St. Louis VA Medical Center, Henish Bhansali, MD, a third-year resident, regularly visits with underinsured, elderly men and women to talk about chronic diseases. He also travels the world for patient care.
  • At a Glance - Culturally Sensitive Breast Cancer Screening: Since 2002, with funding from the St. Louis affiliate of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure® foundation and technical support and guidance in securing the grant from the Barnes-Jewish Hospital Foundation, Barnes-Jewish Hospital’s Daylight Project has focused on bridging cultural and language barriers to screening and breast cancer services.

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