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Domestic Violence Programs and Assistance

Local domestic violence programs provide free and confidential assistance to you and/or your children. They provide emergency safety services such as shelter and 24-hour crisis hotlines. But you don't have to stay in a shelter to get help from a domestic violence program. Domestic violence program advocates have accurate information about domestic violence and are experienced in providing assistance to battered women.

Shelters/Safe Homes

These offer a safe place for women to stay if you are in need of emergency housing. If you have children, they can stay there, too. The location of the shelter is kept secret for the protection of the women and children who stay there.

Shelters – Missouri  

Shelters – Illinois

24-Hour Emergency Hotline

Advocates are available 24 hours a day to provide crisis intervention and emotional support, advocacy, information and referrals.

Individual Counseling

One-on-one counseling is a collaborative confidential helping relationship between a counselor and a client to explore the client’s feelings, relationships with others, choices and decisions.

Support Groups

These groups provide you with an opportunity to be with others who have been abused and with whom you may have a lot in common. Support groups have helped many people feel less isolated and can be a safe place to talk about whatever is on your mind.

South Asian Services

South Asian Women’s Empowerment Regional Association’s (SAWERAA) mission is to serve women of South Asian descent who are victims of domestic violence through support, education and empowerment.

Economic Education and Advocacy

Economic intervention services to low-income women impacted by intimate partner violence including group economic education classes, credit counseling and individual economic advocacy.

Services for Children

Counseling and support are often available to help children understand what is happening and to give them a chance to talk about their feelings.

Legal Assistance with an Order of Protection

Free legal representation is available to assist you at the time of the Full Order hearing.

Other Legal Assistance (related to the domestic violence)

Lasting Solutions is a program of Legal Services of Eastern Missouri. It addresses not only client’s legal needs but also provides social service referrals and case management. Lawyers provide counsel, advice and representation to clients in a variety of domestic cases including orders of protection, dissolution of marriage, modifications, paternity establishments and child custody cases.

Assistance with Prosecution

All criminal courts have Victim Service Units to assist you in navigating the criminal justice system and provide you with support. Contact the Victim Service Unit in the jurisdiction where your case is being handled.

  • St. Louis City Circuit Attorney's Victim Services: 314-622-4373
  • St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney's Victim Service Division: 314-615-4872
  • St. Charles County Victim of Crime Assistance Program: 636-949-7370

You have the right to be believed by those you tell about the violence. You have the right to not be blamed for your partner’s violence. You are the expert about your own situation, and you have the right to make your own decisions about what to do or not to do. You also have a right to be supported in whatever decisions you make.

Domestic violence advocates are often the best people to turn to in order to have your rights upheld. They're there to help you identify options and evaluate the risks and benefits of those options, not to pressure you to do something you're not ready or able to do. They're there to listen, to inform, and to support you. With a domestic violence advocate, you can expect to be treated with respect for your right to self-determination. Only you can decide what's best for you. 

Find a doctor or make an appointment: 866.867.3627
General Information: 314.747.3000
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St. Louis, MO 63110
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