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Internet Access

Patients, family members and guests can enjoy the Internet from most patient rooms at Barnes-Jewish Hospital. Service is free and can be accessed with most properly configured wireless devices.

Patients and visitors without access to a wireless device can take advantage of free Internet access in our Concierge Services offices. Computers are available for use in the offices on the South campus and in the Center for Advanced Medicine. Both offer, at no charge, Internet service, printing, email and other office services.

For more information about wireless Internet access, please download the Configuring Your Wireless Device PDF and read our Internet access FAQs below.

Laptop Loaner and DVD Programs

Laptop computers and ipads are available for loan with a current ID. Please see Concierge Services or call (314) 362-5196 for availability Monday through Friday.

The hospital also has a selection of DVDs for use during your stay at no charge.

Internet Access FAQs

What do I have to do to take advantage of this service?
In brief, you just need a properly configured wireless device. When you first connect you’ll be presented with our Terms and Conditions of use. When you accept them, the Internet will be available to you.

Are there costs involved?
No. This service is free. We do not charge you for this, nor is the cost passed on to your insurance company. At Barnes-Jewish Hospital we have two options for wireless Internet access. You may use your own device or you can borrow one via the Barnes-Jewish Hospital Laptop Loaner program. (See Guest Services for details.) In both cases you will need a wireless device and wireless connectivity.

What is a wireless network?
A wireless network works much the same way as other computer networks, except there are no cables or wires involved. A device with built-in wireless capability or a special wireless network card is required instead. When properly configured, your computer will communicate with a dedicated network, providing you access to the Internet that’s similar to the access you already enjoy at home or work.

What Web sites can I view?
For your protection (and ours), we do a certain amount of content filtering, but other than that, the entire Internet is open to you. Read more about this in our Acceptable Use Agreement at the beginning of your Internet session.

What equipment do I need?
Wireless Device: You must provide your own laptop computer or PDA. Most PC’s, Pocket PC’s, and Macintosh computers should work so long as they are properly configured and have an appropriate wireless network card.

  • Wireless Card: You need to provide your own wireless network card. Some new devices have the wireless card built in – otherwise it will probably be inserted into a PCMCIA slot on the side of the laptop or the top of the PDA.
  • Supported wireless formats: Your network card must support either 802.11b or 802.11g. Though there are other industry standards, they are not implemented.
  • Browser: Your device must use a standard Internet browser such as Internet Explorer, America Online, Netscape, or Safari.

What if I don’t have a wireless card?
For the most part, wireless cards are very standardized and may be purchased online or from virtually any retail electronics store. While we can not help you install the card, we do offer instructions that will help you configure most properly installed cards to work in the hospital.

How secure is my Internet session?
Wireless networks are ‘shared’ among all users and, by that very nature, are public. All public networks lack the high level of security you may be accustomed to at work and home. We encourage you to be careful when sending personally identifiable or sensitive information. However, if the web sites you visit support the industry standard SSL encryption, and most do, our network connection to that site is as secure as if you were on a standard wired network.

Can I connect to my company’s network from here?
If your company has implemented a VPN (virtual private network), and you can access it from home, you can probably connect to it from here. There are some cases where authentication is not permitted – in these cases you should contact your company’s I.S. department to see if changes to your VPN settings are necessary.

Why will my wireless device work at my home or office, but not here?
This is most likely a configuration issue. There are multiple ways to configure a wireless connection, and Barnes-Jewish Hospital may do it differently than the way yours is currently set up. If you download our Configuring Your Wireless Device PDF and follow the instructions, you may be able to get your device to work here.

Can I print out an email or article at Barnes-Jewish Hospital?
Unfortunately it is not possible to print from our public wireless network. There are just too many places we would have to place printers. The best solution is to email the URL of the page to yourself, and print it when you return home.

My network connection works (the lights flash), but I can’t connect with the Internet?
You are probably set up to use a proxy server. In Internet Explorer, click on Tools, then Internet Options, then Connections, then LAN Settings. Make sure the "Use a proxy server…" option is unchecked. If you change it, remember to recheck it when you leave.

If it doesn’t work, who can I call for help?
Unfortunately, privacy and liability concerns prevent us from working on your computer. We can, however, give some assistance in getting your computer configured properly. Please call (314) 362-4711 for help.

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