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Episode 21: Brain Development Part 2: Cerebellum Stimulation Theories

BarnesJewish 0 2464


In this episode, Washington University neurosurgeons at Barnes-Jewish Hospital dive deeper into the discussion of brain function, with a focus on the cerebellum, with Dr. Azad Bonni, Edison Professor of Neuroscience and Chairman of the Department of Neuroscience at Washington University.

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Episode 20: Brain Development Part 1: Sculpting the Messy Blob

BarnesJewish 0 2314


As the most complex organ in the body, the brain takes decades to develop. In this episode, Washington University neurosurgeons at Barnes-Jewish Hospital chat with Dr. Azad Bonni, Edison Professor of Neuroscience and Chairman of the Department of Neuroscience at Washington University about the process that begins in utero, including deviations which may be responsible for the spectrum of conditions classified as autism.

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Episode 19 – BrainWorks: The Theatre of Neuroscience

BarnesJewish 0 2823


Eric Leuthardt, MD, sits down to talk about his theatrical production BrainWorks: The Theatre of Neuroscience, with its director, Seth Gordon, and Brad Eastman, a former patient of Dr. Leuthardt’s and the inspiration for the concept of the show. BrainWorks explores the wonders of the human brain by dramatizing real-life neurological cases to reveal the science behind brain diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, brain tumors and stroke.

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Episode 18: The Latest in Stroke Treatment and Recovery

BarnesJewish 0 4778


After a stroke, the clock starts ticking. Hours, even minutes, in delayed medical attention can change a patient’s life. Dr. Eric C. Leuthardt and Dr. Albert H. Kim, Washington University neurosurgeons at Barnes-Jewish Hospital, host Dr. Joshua W. Osbun and hear about the evolution of treatment technologies, surgeries, and medications in extending the window of stroke treatment by hours, and in some cases, days.

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